Saturday, April 25, 2009

CFL's and Mercury

Compact Fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) do use less energy, last long and that is fantastic. Did you know that the Compact Fluorescent light bulb you are buying in order to save energy has mercury in it? Did you know it is not wise to dump mercury into the ground like at landfills? Often people just toss the used bulb in the trash. Mercury is toxic. This government fact sheet makes the case that its not a big deal by comparing it to the electricity generated from a coal plant.

In northern California only 4% of our electricity was made from coal. View the Power mix

My opinion is that any mercury in the ground is too much mercury in the ground. Please take your CFL's to a recycling center. Look online.. some Home Depots are taking them back.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sea Otter Conclusion

The kid was injured. He did hurt his arm. I couldn't tell if he dislocated the elbow but the woman official walked away from us when she called it in. I gave them my Camelback (A container with ice water) to put on his elbow. People were talking abut the rescue on the ridge, some guy got really hurt. Apparently it took a very long time to get him. Also it took about an hour before an ambulance came for the kid where I was. All the while he had been hanging tough, no aspirin or painkillers, then he would start to cry... regain composure... then cry again. Because he was a minor they had to ambulance him out.

Rule to live by... Do not get hurt at the Sea Otter Classic.

The next day, Sunday, I was watching the downhill bike race. Downhill is a fast course with jumps, technical terrain and tight banked turns. A kid wrecked hard. He broke a plastic pipe holding the race tape up with his chest. A woman and I walked to where we saw an ambulance at the top of the hill. They explained they were going to a rescue at the bottom of the hill so they could not help this guy right now. UM it's a little scary.

They helicopter people out of this race so I always felt pretty safe. I do not feel safe anymore.

Next Blog.. something different

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sea Otter Continued

See prior post...
I started making sme observations. For example there was another guy wearing a tie dye jersey who was clearly also stuck there. He broke his crank arm which is a pretty darn rare thing to see.
The course official had a radio but it was difficult to hear folks and it was pretty clear they were not hearing her real well.

Tie Dye Guy told me they had called for the sag wagon to pick us up but that he had been there for a while. I watched as other racers went by veryquickly. we waited and waited, The passing racers got older and younger. There were now like 60 year olds and 13 year olds. We waited and waited. The sun was bright there was a tiny tiny breeze. We waited.

It had been an hour or so before Tie Dye Guy decide he was gonna try and walk it out. A route that looked mighty long to me. I decided to wait it out. THis was a decision I will remember. Just then a little kid wrecked hard. He went down on his right side and created a huge dust up of dirt. It was a a pretty audible thud becasue he was like 40 -60 feet away from me. The official went over to see him.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sea Otter Experience

The Sea Otter classic is a major bicycling event in the nation and it happens in California. Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey to be exact. They have road bike racing, Mountain bike Racing, a huge exposition area, food etc..

I signed up for the Cross Country race.. It's 19 miles of Mountain bike riding through various terrain including the nasty 6 inch or so deep sand. It turned out that my rear wheel broke in a way that was not repairable and I had to quit the race about 7 miles into it. Disappointing. I carried my bike back a quarter mile or more to a place that had a race official. I said I needed a ride back because my bike was broke. Then I started making lots of observations...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Enthusiastic, Dynamic, Arrogant, Hilarious

Checked and ended up watching a video on you tube... Although the guy is trying to get his point across, I did laugh at him. I determined the guy is a real person versus an actor because a quick google search on "Crowds Guaranteed" plus the excellent visual I had of the way his business name was placed on his business card made him easy to find. His business is

This guy walks the walk and talks the talk. Dynamic might be one way to put it.


The class I am in is requiring I blog. It was just over 97 degrees in the classroom which means they are saving energy right? Green is not easy huh? Yeah well, next class is shorts & flip flops day.